(Meaning of Hindi words not explained in situ in the text)
Adharma: Absence of Dharma
Amavasya: No moon day.
Arati: A worship ritual of waving a lamp before an idol in clockwise direction, generally accompanied by a song of praise and prayers for benevolence.
Araysamaji: A member of the Aryasamaj sect of waving a founded by Swami Dayanand who believes in the Vedas.
Chetana: Awareness, Consciousness, Active principle.
Damaru: A small percussion instrument, a small drum.
Dharma:: Religion, code of righteous conduct, nature of a thing or person.
Jnyanayogi: A person who follows the path of knowledge for his spiritual uplift and liberation. liberation.
Karmayogi: A person who follows the path of action for his spiritual uplift, without the desire for their fruits..
Khuda, Allah: God in Muslim religion.
Mahadeo: The Name of Lord Shiva. Great God.
Maryada Purushottam: Superiour person who honours all moral, social and religious obligations and limitations even if it is disadvantageous to himself. This appellation is generally used to describe Rama.
Muni: A renunciate.
Pratikraman: inward retrospection
Purnima: The full moon day.
Ravana, Duryodhana, Kansa and Kunik: Villainous Caracters from Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Sangha: A group or a Union.
Shastra: Scripture, Ancient books discussing philosophy, religion etc.
Shraman: A Jain or Budhhist renunciate (ascetic or Sanyasi)
Sudarshan: Divine discus, a weapon of lord Vishnu.
Suryakant: A gem which has the property of absorbing sunlight and giving it out.
Swati: One of the twenty-seven star constellations.
Tamasic: Having the Tama attribute.
Tandava: A kind od dance of Lord Shiva.
Tirthankar: Great Jain sage, there are 24 Tirthankars.
Vaishnava: Worshipper of Lord Vishnu.
Veena: A stringed musical instrument.